- Taught by Exercise Specialist, Ann Fargo.
- CDC & NH State health precautions followed.
- Meets Tuesday & Thursday at 10AM.
- $75 for 25 classes.
- See Penny for the new Doctor Release form, and Liability Release Form.
Strength, Balance, & Stretch
Veteran's Meet
- Meets First and Third Thursday – Call for your appointment 603-624-9230 X 301
- Live at the Gibson Center
- Health Precautions followed
- Social and Educational Programs for Veterans
There are three options for caregivers who would like some added support, REACH, a Zoom meeting, and 1:1 Peer Support. Call Jill if you are interested.
REACH: stands for Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health in the Community. Caregivers will meet with trained coaches and learn to solve common caregiver challenges. Meeting options are currently in-person one-to one coaching or via phone or ZOOM. REACH is funded in part thru Administration on Community Living grant #90ADPI0060.
Caregiver Peer Support: There are caregivers who have probably experienced your challenges and can offer a non-judgmental ear. Currently caregivers prefer phone calls so they can keep their loved ones safe
Late Evening Zoom Meeting: We realize that many caregivers do not have the luxury of attending a meeting during the day. We are looking to host a later in the evening meeting via zoom for those caregivers who can not leave their homes for meetings.
Contact Jill at the Gibson Center, 603-356-3231 or for more information, or to sign up for 1:1 coaching.
- Group Games
- Word Search
- Crossword
- Jeopardy
- Yard Games
- CDC & NH State health precautions followed.
- Mondays at 12:30PM
Chair Exercise
- For people who have not exercised recently, or use assistive devices for walking
- CDC & NH State health precautions followed
- Meets Monday and Friday at 10:30 AM
- Donations accepted
Friday Painters
The Mount Washington Valley Arts Association holds it’s Friday Painters at the Gibson Center. Each week people take turns setting up a display, and then people paint, or color, the display. At the end, people share their work, and ask if they want suggestions.
The group is open to Gibson Center members, bring your own supplies.
Computer training by David Smolen
- Free Tablets and Chromebooks available depending on demand and distribution from grant sources
- Learn skills to communicate and connect through email and video conferencing (Zoom),
- Learn how to access medical practice portals for appointments, labs and questions
- Learn how to access Telehealth appointments
- Internet safety
- Scam Prevention
- CDC & NH State health precautions followed
Limited number of attendees, call 603-356-3231 to sign up for classes at the Gibson Center
Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance
- For people who want to improve their balance and strength
- An Evidence Based program
- Developed by Fuzhong Li, Ph.D
- Learn to recognize when your body is unsteady
- Learn the response to maintain balance, using 8 forms
- CDC & NH State health precautions followed
- Meets Monday & Thursday afternoon at 4:00PM
Small Town Quilters
- Bring current projects for show and tell
- Bring craft supplies you no longer need, for swaps
- Monthly group projects
- 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10AM-12PM
- CDC & NH State health precautions followed
Claiming Our Vitality
Vitality is a gift of our creation. We can claim it. This discussion group offers the opportunity to share ideas together about how we might realize our vitality and what it looks like. We know we have full support of the eternal universe in claiming our inherent vitality. It’s fun to move forward together getting the ideas that raise our consciousness and shift our lives gently, step-by-step, into easy, wholesome vitality. As essential parts of creation, we can enjoy the peaceful, purposeful and healthy life for which we are intended.