Staying Warm Safe and Dry - logoValley homeowners who need a reliable, licensed contractor to help with small modification projects to improve the safety, warmth or tightness of their homes can call Renee Wheaton, who will coordinate with our contractor, Adam Balodis. Sample projects include replacing or repairing porch steps or railings, installing grab bars, improving lighting, changing out air filters, installing smoke or CO alarms, installing ramps, or other repairs that increase health and safety.

This is not an emergency service but one that will be available by request & subject to scheduling. Renee can be reached by calling the Gibson Center at 603-356-3231 or email at

Learn More about Stay Warm, Safe and Dry by clicking here

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Friendly Visitor Program

How you're Helping

Miles driven by our buses per year for our patrons' medical appointments, trips & more.29,000Meals On Wheels and Congregate Dinning Meals served per year.47,000Miles per year driven by Meals On Wheels volunteers.34, 828Free laptops & Samsung tablets given away with 250 hours of computer skills training.55
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